Info-Tax Online
Info-Tax Online
AuSable Valley Central School
Clinton, Essex, Franklin Counties
PAY TO: AuSable Valley Central School, 1273 Route 9N, Clintonville, NY 12924 (518) 834-2846
Click an underlined link next to a box for help on entering that information.
Try not to be too specific. Partial names are allowed for owner and location searches. In addition, any box left empty will be ignored. However, only the first 250 matching properties will be retrieved, so you may need to add additional information to narrow your search if there are too many matches.
Click the Search button or just press the (Enter) key to search for matching parcels.
You can also click the "Clear Search Criteria" link at the bottom right to clear all boxes.
Select a different district
Owner Name:
Here you can enter a whole or partial owner name. Upper and lower case differences
are ignored. Both of the owner names (if more than one is listed
for a parcel) are checked for a match. You can also leave the Onwer Name blank and
search using other property information.
Most property information holds the owner name in Last Name, First Name order, with
no comma between the two. So to find Joseph Smith, you could enter any of
the following:
"Smith" You get a long list
of names
"Smith J" All Smith's whose first
name starts with "J"
"Smith Joseph" Just the Joe Smith's
Match to any part of Owner Name:
Normally you should leave this box unchecked.
If you check this box, then your search will look for a match anywhere inside the
owner name(s) on the property. In this case, entering "Smith" would find "Goldsmith".
This option can be useful if names in the data appear in a first name, last name
order. It can also be used for searching for just a first name as part of
your search criteria.
If left unchecked, then searches will match from left to right in the Owner Name(s)
as they are recorded in the property information.
Street Number:
You can optionally enter the street number that the property is located on.
This can be useful in narrowing a search when the street name can not be located
becasue of a spelling error.
Property Location:
You can optionally enter a whole or partial street name here. Do not enter
a street number in this box - instead enter it in the Street Number box above this
Since some counties
use abbreviations like "St", and some use none, it is generally best to enter just
a partial street name.
For instance, enter just "Maple" if your are searching for "Maple Street". Upper and lower case differences
Tax Map Number:
You may enter a whole or partial tax map number here.
If a partial number is entered, all properties that begin with the numbers (including
dots and dashes) wil be retrieved.